Magento Hosting Crafted With Care

Delivered by People Who Love Magento

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FROM $3.95 / MO
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Joomla Hosting Crafted With Care 

Choose the right Magento hosting plan for you!

Easiest start, more resources or really geeky stuff? We have it all!


Crafted for a Great Web Start

Special Price: $3.95/mo.60% OFF the regular $9.95/mo.
One Website
10GB Web Space
Suitable for ~ 10,000 Visits Monthly
All Essential Features


Crafted for Your Web Growth

Special Price: $7.95/mo.50% OFF the regular $14.95/mo.
Multiple Websites
20GB Web Space
Suitable for ~ 25,000 Visits Monthly
All Essential Features
Premium Features


Crafted for Real Web Geeks

Special Price: $14.95/mo.50% OFF the regular $29.95/mo.
Multiple Websites
30GB Web Space
Suitable for ~ 100,000 Visits Monthly
All Essential Features
Premium Features
Geeky Advanced Features



Magento! People Love US

See what some of the Magento! community stars say about JV Hosting!

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